
Those you know but do not understand the car transmission

In the beginning, the car is used in manual transmission, that is, we often say that the manual block, that is, you must manually dial the "block" to change the china transmission gear within the gear meshing position, change the transmission ratio, so as to achieve speed the goal of. In order to start in the place, climbing, turning, acceleration and other conditions, so that the car to obtain different traction and speed, while the engine work in a more favorable conditions of the environment.

Then the automatic transmission appears, greatly reducing the driver's fatigue. There are still a lot of people in the tangled to buy a manual car is good or automatic car is good, in fact, I think there is nothing tangled. If you are living in a second-tier cities, often facing the traffic jam situation, I advise you to start automatically more appropriate, in the traffic jam when driving the car too tired. But if you live in a convenient city, rarely encountered congestion, you can start hand block, one is cheap, the second is fuel-efficient.
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Automatic transmission can be divided into general automatic transmission, dual-clutch transmission, CVT continuously variable transmission. In these three transmissions, I think the tiptronic transmission is the most stable, the production cost is centered, is a combination of manual speed and automatic transmission speed of the transmission device, this technology is to improve the automation of the transmission and Handling, and can be automatically determined by the computer shift time to return to the hands of the driver, thereby enhancing the driving of the operation, enrich the driver's experience.
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The double-clutch transmission can be divided into dry double-clutch and wet double-clutch, dry double-clutch manufacturing costs are low, the opposite wet dual-clutch production costs are relatively high. Dry and wet dual-clutch in the working principle and the basic structure is no essential difference, the biggest difference is the friction plate heat treatment is different, dry double-clutch mainly through air-cooled heat, resulting in poor heat, which led directly Dry double clutch fault frequently.
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The beginning of the dual-clutch transmission by the major manufacturers of the main reason is that it has a rapid shift, fuel-efficient, small power loss advantages, but after the public DSG burst out of various problems, such as crystallization, frustration, jitter, power interruption, Is the city traffic jam, low speed stop and go when the time is particularly evident, the surface seems to be dry double-clutch heat is not good, in fact, the transmission control software is not smart enough, especially the city traffic jam, it can not correctly prejudge you Upshift or downshift, resulting in frequent problems.
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Although the dry dual-clutch transmission in the market use, there are many problems, the owner response is not good, but there are still many manufacturers put into use (including independent research and development and technology), the main reason is the light weight, low cost By the major manufacturers like. At present, civil vehicles, the public's dual-clutch technology and Honda's 8-speed dual-clutch technology is also better. Xiaobian can only say this one, equipped with dual-clutch transmission of the car carefully selected to determine whether it is good or bad way to test drive.
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CVT CVT is common in Japanese cars, and now their own brands have also started to use, its production costs higher than the manual transmission. Unlike conventional transmissiones, CVT does not use china transmission gear for variable speed, but uses a pulley combination to achieve a change in chinatransmission gear ratio. The advantage is smooth shift, no frustration sense, comfort, fuel consumption is relatively low. The disadvantage is the lack of driving pleasure, post-maintenance costs are higher.

