
Comprehensive analysis of the car piston ring

Piston ring is used to enter the piston groove ring, divided into two types: compression ring and oil ring. The compression ring can be used to seal the compressed air in the combustion chamber; the oil ring is used to scrape off the excess oil on the cylinder. The pistonring is a metal elastic ring with large outward expansion deformation, which is fitted into the corresponding annular groove of the profile. Reciprocating and rotating motion of the piston ring, relying on the gas or liquid pressure difference between the ring in the outer surface and the cylinder and ring and ring groove between the side to form a seal.

Piston ring applications:
Piston rings are widely used in a variety of power machinery, such as steam engines, diesel engines, gasoline engines, compressors, hydraulic presses, widely used in automobiles, trains, ships, yachts and so on. General piston ring installed in the piston ring groove, it and the piston, cylinder, cylinder head and other components of the composition of the chamber work.

Piston ring function:

Piston ring action includes sealing, regulating oil (oil control), heat conduction (heat transfer), guide (support) four roles. Seal: refers to the sealed gas, do not let the combustion chamber of the gas leakage to the crankcase, the gas leakage control to a minimum, improve thermal efficiency. Leakage will not only make the engine power down, but also make the oil deterioration, which is the main task of the gas ring; adjust the oil (oil control): the cylinder wall of the excess oil scraping off, while the cylinder wall cloth thin Thin oil film to ensure the normal lubrication of the cylinder and piston and ring, which is the main task of the oil ring. In the modern high-speed engine, with particular emphasis on the role of the piston ring control film; heat: the piston ring through the piston heat conduction to the cylinder, that is, from the cooling effect. According to reliable data, the piston top of the heat received by 70 to 80% through the piston ring to the cylinder wall and scattered; support: the piston ring to keep the piston in the cylinder to prevent the piston and the cylinder wall in direct contact, To ensure smooth movement of the piston, reduce frictional resistance, and to prevent the piston knocking cylinder. General gasoline engine piston with two air ring, an oil ring, while the diesel engine is used three air ring, an oil ring.

